Good News Church

God's People, Reaching Up, Reaching In, Reaching Out

  • Old Road
  • Whaley Bridge
  • High Peak
  • SK23 7LA

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       What’s Happening - JULY 2024

pizza 1


Sunday 7th July

10.30am. Guest speaker - Pam Kershaw from Urban Saints. Speaking on James 4 v 1-12


Sunday 14th July

10.30am. Cheryl leading, Phil preaching on James 4 v 13-17


Sunday 21st July

10.30am. Communion service.


Sunday 28th July

10.30am. Church Anniversary and baptism service led by Rob.

Followed by a bring and share lunch


Thursday prayer meetings– 7-8am on Zoom. All welcome. Please ask for login details. 


Prayer for youth and revival – Friday mornings 7-7.30am and 9 - 10am on Zoom. See Cheryl for details


Men’s Prayer group – usually on Friday afternoons, ask Rob or Matt W for details.

Friday 12th July – Unite to pray 7-9pm. Meet at Eyam Church centre.


Friday 19th July – Barbecue and games night at church 5.30 – 7.30pm, with a short message. A chance to invite friends and neighbours.


Saturday 20th July 10am - 5pm at Chinley Independent Chapel

Celebrating the 350th Anniversary of Isaac Watts’ birth. This free day will include talks, workshops, hymn-singing, children's activities, and lunch, with guest presenters – we are invited.

Mon 22nd  July
 - Members' meeting 7.30pm

Tuesday 23rd July – Book group 7pm at Sandra’s


Thursday 1st August – Come to coffee, 10.30am at Church with a reflection at 11.30am


Thursdays 1, 8, 15, 22 August 6.30pm CAP Money course


12-16th August – Summer Children’s Holiday Club. Bookings are open 1st – 31st July. See poster for more details.


Wed 4 September - evening - Annual safeguarding training - please can church DBS holders try and make this important annual requirement.

Dates for your diary


Saturday 7th September Peak Pilgrimage – Day 2. Hope to Bamford.


Saturday 14th September – Christian Aid walk


Monday 16th September – Churches Together Forum meeting 7.30pm


Saturday 28th September – Songs of Praise with WB Brass Band.


Saturday 12th October. Quiet morning – 10am.



July Good News papers are available to read and distribute


Volunteers are needed please to help clean and set up church and refreshments on Sundays and tidy up afterwards. There is a rota in the kitchen area, please sign up if you would like to help or speak to someone already on the list as to what it involves.


Men’s meal – we are trying to arrange a date for a summer meal


Extension Phase 1. Various jobs have now been completed, including a final inspection with the builder and architect and making the back yard available to use again. The extension fund currently is in deficit at -£2140.  This is on a £100k project and we are thankful to God and the givers of all the donations.


We are also awaiting repairs to the downstairs ceiling which are quoted at £1700.


Grant applications are in for Phase 2 (the porch and permanent ramp) which is quoted at £23,000.  Repairs to the existing porch will be arranged before the winter if needed.





Money course – Christians Against Poverty.

Thursdays 1, 8, 15, 22 August 6.30pm – 8.30pm


You’ll receive up-to-date, expert advice on different topics that will help you navigate your day-to-day finances. 

·         How to build and balance a household budget

·         Learn how to structure your finances using a system proven to work 

·         Find ways to save more and get the most out of your spare cash

·         Learn how to use credit wisely and navigate unmanageable debt

·         Explore the difference between essential and optional expenses and find ways to realistically cut costs

·         Unlimited access to a mobile-friendly budget worksheet

all sorts

                                                     a picture of people praying

Prayer – if you would like to meet up with others to pray regularly please get in touch. A number of people meet and have formed prayer “triplets” to meet every week or fortnightly to pray for and support each other. Let us know if you’d like to do this too.

Books – We have a number of Christian books available to borrow - please take a look